Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

2.2 Diagnosing Organizational Change

2.2 Diagnosing Organizational Change

Q Diagnose your organization or one with which you are familiar using one (1) of the following models: Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence, Sterman’s Systems Dynamics, Quinn’s Competing Values, Greiner’s Organizational Growth, or Stacey’s Complexity. After briefly describing and supporting your analysis with one or more examples, identify two (2) insights you gained and discuss how helpful the model was in understanding organizational dynamics.

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In my organization, the application of Greiner’s Organizational Growth model provides me with insights that my organization has gone through different critical phases. There had been a period of five years in which the growth of my organization could be initially observed. This period had been a period of growth which had not been unstable. This is because there had been consistent periods of sales percentages, profit percentages and acquisition of new customers.